So then, why perform?
Perhaps to act and give essence to what cannot be said, accepting, taking, contrasting, enduring, forsaking, forgiving, passing over or through-with dignified silence-what we cannot speak about but we are aware of, and with it all that is elusive and illusory. Artists, everyday people- because it makes no difference and there is no diversity- we appear just for what we actually are. We all mirror each other carrying within us our own ideals, ideas, sufferings, loves, fears, dreams, sensualities and ironies as pure treasures to express and share, shaping together a time-based social sculpture: a creative temporary community which reflects freedom and respects it. Perhaps to celebrate life.
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Preach R Sun 是在觀展最末一天丟下震撼彈的黑人藝術家,血淋淋的掀開種族歧視下黑人受到的待遇,被雞姦、自慰、用釘槍在自己身上留下傷口,貌似驚世駭俗的行為其實只是直白而已,相較於歷史上受到歧視的黑人所遭受的,表演不過是小菜一碟,而習慣了被包裝保護的我們似乎已難接受事實。
Everyone wants to be black, but no one wants to be. 極盡諷剌卻又真實。
Preach的表現令我動容,寧願相信不僅是表演而已,雖然無法感同身受 但願意去理解,如此用盡氣力的吶喊,怎麼不值得掌聲。